Details for this torrent 

Karaoke Collection 2014 Vol 23
Audio > Other
1.69 GB

Bit Torrent Good practice. Edu

Feb 26, 2014

Just when you thought it was safe to resume your normal social and bit torrent life I found all this lot.  It brings you bang up to date and contains a small text file 'A guide to good torrents' so a little education with the updates too.

I see everyday some really bad bittorrenting here on the Pirate Bay... from the classic 'lets put up a torrent but not seed it ever' to the one guy in Croatia who is right now in the Music Video section seeding at LESS THAN 0.7 megabits per second a 74 Gigabyte Blu Ray torrent of the Monteray 1967 Music festival.

That poor chap is going to take over a year to do that, because he does not understand the use of 'Initial Seed' in Micro Torrent.   This is called Super Seeding in Vuze and I use it all the time when I am the only seed in a new swarm so the power of the peers in the swarm helps me get it out there FAST.

Needless to say I have two seed boxes on that Monteray Torrent to try help out the poor chap in Croatia...  If you ever try seed a 74 Gig file, PLEASE get a few of your friends to take a copy and seed it with you.  You know that makes sense.

If that is not possible then SUPER SEED or INITIAL SEED so you use the power of the swarm to help you and only upload the one copy of that 74 GB monster!!!!!

Have a great Bit torrent Week..

Rigmar Radio - Seeding to the World since 1992

USE VUZE if you have the hardware and the technical skills to match.. it is the best out there and in the advanced (tabbed) view makes all the other bit torrent clients look a little pathetic...


Hello Rigmar

I am realy enjoy your torrents!
I have a lot of fun and good karaoke events whith your other up! So i'am looking forward to more good torrents!!

Thanks a LOT!!!

No Worries Roffe, nice to see you still on board after I have trashed one of your hard drives totally Hi... some duplicates exist in this lot, but rather than weed them out I thought it best just to put them all up as I am only buying in high quality sound these days and at 192kbps audio these sound soo good (well some do as not all are new) The main point of course is IF THE KARAOKE COMPANIES SUPPLIED US WITH PC FRIENDLY Karaoke digital downloads at an affordable price (SelectaTrack please take note!) there would be no need for this series !!!!!!